Hotel Punta Islita
Hotel Punta Islita is a great choice for all those travelers interested in both beach and mountain activities, as it has spectacular ocean views and is surrounded by beautiful tropical forests which you can visit during your stay. The rooms have flat screen TV, air conditioning, hammocks, minibar and wi-fi, in addition to room service, maid service and express check-in and check-out. Nearby you can find a wildlife refuge recognized for preserving sea turtles or Playa Carillo, a white sandy beach surrounded by palm trees where you can do many activities such as jet skiing, diving, kayaking, among others, but this Hotel also offers activities such as hiking, horseback riding, cooking classes, golf, zip line descents and a lot more activities to do during your stay. In the restaurant you can enjoy dishes with local and international flavors while enjoying a wonderful ocean view. For those traveling on business, the hotel has a 78 square meter room with audiovisual equipment and a complete catering service. On your next trip to Costa Rica, we invite you to enjoy the Punta Islita Hotel which will not only provide you with the best amenities but will also guarantee an unforgettable experience during your stay in Guanacaste.
Shuttle Information:
Distance from liberia airport to hotel: 126 Km
Travel time: 2 h 30 min
About Hotel:
- Stars: 5
- Distance from the airport: 126 Km
- Time: 2 h 35 min
- Location: Nicoya, Guanacaste.
- Gym
- Swimming pool
- Breakfast included
- Golf course
- Children's activities
Nearby Beaches:
- Islita Beach
- Camaronal Beach
- Corozalito Beach
- Bejuco Beach
- San Miguel Beach